Era School  40 year reunion

Era reunion 

How many times in life do you get the chance to meet the people you shared your school years with, at the site of the school?


This is a chance in a lifetime,
or at least, a chance that has been 40 years in the making.




Celebrate your era, at Era, on Saturday 26th November 2011




On Saturday afternoons, the spirit of Era can still be found at Era court, Springvale Road. You can hear bell-birds; the trees still stand on the oval and the school buildings are classified as “significant” by the local council. As they should be – they were significant to all of us!

With the generous support of Carey Grammar, Era will re-open for a day on Saturday 26th November and you will have the chance to re-live (or re-invent) those heady school days.


Entry will be from Mullum Mullum Reserve (parking available at the tennis courts), walking across the oval and up the hill to the main building which will be open for the day. There will be regular tours of the building and plenty of memorabilia on display. We are hoping Era people will record their memories in a digital diary that will be added to the Era archives.


There will be food available for purchase (BYO drinks), with music and entertainment for all. Vehicle access to the school can be arranged for anyone with special needs.


Everyone is welcome – Era students, Era parents, Era teachers and staff; their families and friends. Anyone and everyone associated with Era should come along. We are pretty sure there won’t be another reunion like this for a long while.


Tell your family, tell your Era friends and make sure you are all there.


1pm to 6pm
Saturday 26th November 2011


As we get closer, more information will be available on the Era reunion page on facebook (ERA, Education Reform Association). Join the group and let everyone know you’ll be part of the 40 year reunion. It’s also a chance to make contact with other Era-ites before the re-union; upload photos; check out who’s doing what; who’s with who – and who’s not.


You can also contact Leigh Svendsen.



Leigh Svendsen

7/155 Mt Alexander Road, Flemington

03 9340 4133 or 0418 538 989




Thanks to Jill Calder for writing up this invitation.